
              Changzhou Da Mai drying equipment Co., Ltd.
              Great demeanor
              Production force
              • Production force

                Production force

              • Production force

                Production force

              • Production force

                Production force

              • Production force

                Production force

              • Production force

                Production force

              Advantage Engineering
              Experimental center
              • Experimental center

                Experimental center

              • Experimental center

                Experimental center

              • Experimental center

                Experimental center

              About US

              Da Mai drying

              Changzhou Da Mai drying equipment Co., Ltd. is a specialized drying equipment enterprise which integrates design, development, production, sales and service. The company is located in the beautiful Southern Yangtze River and the Yangtze River Delta core city -- Changzhou, Jiangsu, which is close to Shanghai Rong Expressway and Changhe expressway. It is only 120 kilometers away from Shanghai Hongqiao hub, and the traffic is very convenient.
              The company is absorbing foreign advanced technology and experience, strictly according to the requirements of the national GMP design, development, production, installation, to ensure the quality of the product. A series of advanced and energy-saving products have been designed...

              Declaration | Tel:0519-88671880 | Copyright ? 2011-2016 . All Rights Reserved


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